
fibaqualifiers2022philippines| What key technologies are needed for autonomous vehicles?


Self-driving cars as the future automobile industryFibaqualifiers2022philippinesThe breakthrough and innovation of its key technologies is the key to realize the industrialization of self-driving vehicles. This paper will introduce the key technologies needed for self-driving vehicles from the following aspects.

oneFibaqualifiers2022philippines. Perceptual technology

Perception technology is the foundation of self-driving car, which realizes the perception of the surrounding environment of the vehicle through a variety of sensors, such as lidar, camera, millimeter wave radar and so on. Among them, lidar can provide high-precision three-dimensional point cloud data, which is one of the most widely used sensors in self-driving cars.

fibaqualifiers2022philippines| What key technologies are needed for autonomous vehicles?

two。 Decision-making and planning technology

Decision-making and planning technology is the "brain" of self-driving vehicles, which generates corresponding driving decisions and planning paths by analyzing the perceived environmental information. Decision-making and planning technology involves computer vision, machine learning, optimization algorithms and other fields of knowledge.

3. Control and execution technology

Control and execution technology is the "limbs" of self-driving vehicles, which transforms the results of decision-making and planning into actual vehicle control actions. This includes accurate control of the steering, acceleration, braking and other aspects of the vehicle, in order to ensure the smooth and safe driving of the vehicle.

4. Vehicle networking technology

Vehicle networking technology is the key technology to realize the exchange of information between vehicles and between vehicles and infrastructure. Through the vehicle networking technology, the information sharing between vehicles can be realized and the driving safety and efficiency can be improved.

5. High Precision Map and Positioning Technology

High-precision map and positioning technology is the key to achieve accurate navigation and positioning of self-driving vehicles. Through the high-precision map, the accurate modeling of the road environment can be realized, and combined with the positioning technology, the vehicle position can be determined accurately.

The key technologies of self-driving cars do not exist in isolation, they depend on each other and promote each other. The following is a brief comparison of the key technologies:

Key technology function main technology perception technology perception of vehicle surrounding environment lidar, camera, millimeter wave radar decision and planning technology generation driving decision and path planning computer vision, machine learning, optimization algorithm control and execution technology vehicle control and execution steering control, acceleration control, brake control vehicle networking technology, Information exchange between vehicles and infrastructure vehicle communication technology, information security technology high-precision map and positioning technology to achieve accurate navigation and positioning high-precision map, satellite positioning, inertial navigation

Generally speaking, the key technologies of self-driving vehicles include perception, decision-making, control, vehicle networking, high-precision map and positioning and so on. The breakthroughs and innovations of these technologies are the key to the industrialization of self-driving vehicles.