
slotsempire| At the time of the May 5th Shopping Festival, various districts in Shanghai were "rolled up"







  比如,2024全球新品首发季上海时尚定制周即将在长宁尚嘉中心拉开帷幕,聚焦时尚美妆、服装服饰、钟表珠宝等领域,市民游客可体验更多样化的“定制生活方式”。啦啦宝都上海金桥将举办以“探秘高达 焕新首秀”主题活动。在1个月的限时快闪活动期间,来到啦啦宝都的消费者,有机会登上18米高空,近距离观赏实物高达立像。华为PURA70系列快闪全国首站、路易威登2024早秋男士系列限时空间将亮相浦东前滩太古里。此外,以“东方美谷”著称的奉贤区还将举办以“贤韵国潮之美”为主题的国妆美妆沙龙暨化妆品年度新品发布会,推动形成东方美谷“美妆”品牌矩阵。

  首发经济向来是静安商业的一张王牌,亮眼的不仅是数量,更是能级。在日前举办的“首发上海全球推介启动仪式”上,静安首店指南发布,集中展示区内全球首店、亚洲首店和全国首店。在购物节期间,勃肯鞋Birkenstock将在张园举行为期2个月的250周年庆快闪活动,首次将品牌高端线1774系列引入中国;全国首家始祖鸟博物馆即将开业;上海恒隆广场举办大型标志性首发首展首秀活动“Spring Wonderland”;上海苏河湾万象天地携手四川省大熊猫国家公园等,特别策划推出大熊猫主题全球巡游中国首站。


  咖啡+体育+夜经济 文商旅体全面融合


slotsempire| At the time of the May 5th Shopping Festival, various districts in Shanghai were "rolled up"


  今年西岸国际咖啡生活节期间,徐汇的咖啡地图将继续南拓,将以“咖啡”为主题,串联徐汇滨江20 余处商业和文体地标,推出市集、庙会、展览、促销等特色商业活动。日前,长宁咖啡文化节启动,将举办咖啡品鉴、戏剧分享会、生活市集、咖啡拉花互动等内容。青浦、嘉定、虹口、金山等区也相继推出咖啡文化节,旨在以咖啡为媒,衍生出更具潜力的消费场景。



  结合上海夜生活节,黄浦区将加强外滩枫径、思南公馆、外滩源、新天地等载体地标深度联动,呈现“外滩精酿啤酒节”“思南夜派对” “FOUND158夜生活节”等活动。浦东也将继续打造夜滨江系列活动,长宁区将推出“天山yeah市”“天山台北市集”“仙霞路美食节”等“夜间生活好去处”。另外,崇明区还将创新举办“2024崇明乡村夜生活节”,推出一批围绕“夜购、夜食、夜游、夜秀、夜娱、夜读、夜动”板块的夜生活新场景。






In order to catch millions of passengers, the cruise flow will be changed into consumption increment. During May Day, Baoshan District held the first "Le Post Baoshan" port concert, inviting famous artists such as "Voice of Power", Luo Wei, Shanghai Conservatory of Music Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra and other well-known bands to perform road performances in the area along the Binjiang Belt. At the same time, the "Postal Fair-Resort Life Festival" will also be held. Through the display of cruise ship models, resident singing, art performances, and cultural and creative crafts will be organized to introduce more pyrotechnic food festivals and enrich night-themed activities, so as to better introduce passenger flow, so as to promote all-factor literature and tourism consumption and raise the popularity of Baoshan cruise industry.

During this shopping festival, Putuo District, which brings together major automobile brands, will also highlight industrial characteristics and release "big moves" to promote consumption. At present, the 8-day carnival of automobile quality consumption has kicked off, with nearly 40 brands participating in car purchase discount activities, covering all kinds of high-end brands, trend brands, economical brands and new power brands. In addition to the characteristics of a large number of models, strong concessions and rich promotional activities, in order to enhance the public's willingness to buy cars, it has also increased the activities of test driving and increasing gifts.

On April 30, 2024, the carnival of automobile quality consumption of "Yuejia Putuo Shopping half Horse", the home event of Putuo District of Shanghai "May five Shopping Festival", was opened in Changfeng Dayue City.

Qingpu District, as the permanent venue of the Expo, relevant enterprises and merchants in the district will also hold a series of key activities during this shopping festival to promote dividends to benefit the public. For example, Greenland Global Commodity Trade Port will organize and launch a theme bazaar of "colorful Silk Road converging all countries", focusing on the same style of goods and overseas popular products, and launch a limited edition gift box of national blessing bags. At the same time, combined with national culture, a wealth of national activities will also be carried out, such as Maltese World Day in Malta, Malbek World Day in Argentina, Canada coloured snail appreciation, Slovenia country theme Day, Syrian essential oil DIY, Persian art appreciation, Nepalese Songbo sound therapy, red wine tasting and other rich national activities, so that consumers do not go abroad, one-stop sign-in global culture.

In Yangpu District, where Internet enterprises "gather together", the integration of data and reality is more prominent, promoting the deep integration of online new economic platform enterprises and regional business enterprises, and innovating consumption scenes. Online, Meituan, Douyin and other group e-commerce companies will issue more than 6 billion yuan in preferential subsidies. Douyin will also carry out "shaking in55 shopping season" activities, 10 billion traffic to help tweet business, travel and sports exhibition fully integrated, and products will hold activities such as "Top Brand Day" and "Crazy weekend". Thousands of brands will gather online. Offline, Douyin Group will also carry out live streaming into shopping malls to further empower physical commerce. In addition, the acquisition will be linked to the university road to create a "time-limited trend block", online auction of brand scarce commodities and offline market shows and sales.

Green consumption sets off a new fashion

Recycling, low-carbon diet, trade-in. During this shopping festival, various districts in Shanghai have launched a series of policies and benefits to promote green consumption to become a new fashion.

On the first day of May Day holiday, Putuo Green consumption season was held in Shanghai Global Port. The first exhibition of "Shanghai Home Appliances Trade-in Carnival Green consumption Express" opened, including kitchen appliances, household appliances, to personal care, smart home, aging products and other 16 types of smart electrical products that support trade-in subsidies, attracting a large number of consumers. It is worth mentioning that foreigners and people from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan can also enjoy the subsidy of trade-in, and they can also use foreign cards to pay.

In addition, in order to promote the consumption of green smart home appliances, during the shopping festival, consumers can enjoy 10% financial subsidy when they go to designated stores in Qingpu District to buy green smart home appliance products of Midea and its specific brands. Yangpu District will also hold a refurbishment season of living space to promote the experience activities of "changing energy" of cars, "changing intelligence" of home appliances, and "renovating" home furnishings, and promote green energy-saving subsidies for home appliances into the community.

Old clothes, shoes, underwear, and glasses can be exchanged for coupons to "trade old for new"; restaurants advocate rational ordering and "CD-ROM action"; cafes offer their own cups to enjoy "reduction"; pharmacies set up recycling areas. Consumers who bid for expired drugs can buy sachet at discounted prices.

During the May 5th Shopping Festival, Shanghai Foreign Investment Association, together with Shanghai Huaihai Commercial (Group) Co., Ltd., will mobilize more than 60 shopping malls in the city, including China's first stores and flagship stores, including multinational corporations' regional headquarters, starting from the Huaihai Road Business Zone in Huangpu District. More than 60 shopping malls in the city, including China time-honored flagship stores and image stores, focus on environmental protection products, recycling, value advocacy, green space and low-carbon diet. Continue to carry out a number of green consumption season roadshow activities to promote the concept of green consumption deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Editor-in-chief: Tang Ye